Thursday, January 23, 2014

My English Language Learning Journey

Having grown up in a Chinese family, I first came into contact with the English language in kindergarten. Since both my parents neither spoke nor wrote English, the only time I got to practice the language was in school. With limited practice, it explains my poor grammar and limited vocabulary.

I remember back in Primary 3 when I scored 2/50 for my English essay, and the only comment on the paper was "GRAMMAR". I was stunned, being in the top class but scoring probably the lowest in the cohort. Unsure of what to expect next, I chose to ignore the score, so did my teacher since she did not request me to see her after class or anything of that sort. From then on, I chose to avoid English, especially in the form of writing. However, with interests in subjects such as Geography and History, writing could not be avoided. I realised the importance of the language since everything was taught and written in English, without a good command of the language, I would be at a disadvantage. Yet minimal effort was put in to improving my English, I would not read anything out of syllabus to improve my vocabulary or writing style.

After taking the QET, I had the feeling that I would have to take ES1102 and here I am. Despite being an arts student all my life, I felt it was hard for me to convey my intentions with my weak command of English (for example, writing this). Therefore I hope ES1102 would help me improve my writing skills, especially in terms sentence structure and grammar.

Edited 3 February